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Our Mission

To honor, support, and advocate for the brave men and women who have served our nation. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate assistance, ensuring veterans and their families access the benefits, resources, and opportunities they deserve. Through unwavering commitment, advocacy, and community collaboration, we strive to enhance the well-being and resilience of our veterans, fostering a sense of pride, belonging, and dignity as they navigate the journey of post-service life.

Our Vision

At Riverside County Veterans Services, we recognize every veteran's journey as personal, comprehensive, and community-driven. We are committed to being the heartbeat of veteran empowerment, delivering client-centered, supportive services that elevate well-being and quality of life. Through dynamic community engagement, we will bridge gaps and integrate veterans into the fabric of society, fostering a legacy of empowerment, compassion, and unity."

Social Media

Veterans' Benefits

CALVET College Fee Waiver Program

CALVET College Fee Waiver Program

Veteran Friendly Business

Veteran Friendly Business

California Veterans' License Plate

California Veterans' License Plate

Employment Services

Employment Services

VA Forms

VA Forms

Veterans Demographics

Veterans Demographics

Veterans Locations

Veterans Locations

Contact Us

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